Stick and Puck

Welcome to Stick and Puck! The names stems from my love of the game of hockey. I cannot guarantee up-to-date hockey information here, but I can guarantee my political views and bizarre sense of humor will be in full effect. If you are easily offended, or have an affinity for the Repulican Party, you may want to read elsewhere. If you have an open mind and good sense of humor, come on in. Check out my Link section for a great hockey website http://OFFTHEPOST.NET

Monday, October 01, 2007

Well there you have it.

I offically suck at keeping this updated. A lot has happened between now and then so I will do my best to play catch up in the coming days.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Texas Weather

One of the things I looked forward to opon moving back to Texas was that I would be able to see seasons again. Growinig up in the Dallas area it was pretty consistant weather wise. Hotter than hell in the summer, cooling off starts in September, cool until April, warming up in May and back to the hot stuff again.

That's not the case here. Central Texas is a whole new animal.

It was 80 degrees here yesterday (80 in November...gotta love it).

Woke up this morning to a brisk 34 degrees.

Maybe I can build a snowman by Friday and work on my tan over the weekend. sheesh.

Text to Speech

Good times. We've been having a lot of fun with this at work. Check it out.

It's a great way to call out your co-workers without really saying anything. :-)

Monday, November 13, 2006


An acquaintance of mine passed along a DVD that I must share with all of you. As I mentioned in the previous post, my disgust for the actions of our government grows every passing moment. I have never been a "conspiracy theorist", but this DVD really made me think. The DVD that was passed along is called "Terrorstorm".

Will you stand by and beleive everything the Government says?

See the first 6 minutes of "Terrorstorm" on Youtube.

Trust nothing. Question everything.

For those of you who are ready to point fingers and label those of us with a different viewpoint, know this:

"When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest".

Liberal and Loving It!

I am what you might call a "liberal". I live in one of the Nation's most liberal cities, I hold liberal opinions dear to my heart. I support equal rights for everyone and vehemently oppose neo-conservative viewpoints. I oppose the war in Iraq but I support our troops (despite what most think, this is possible). I can't sand George Bush or his cronies, but I have Republican friends. I may not agree with their viewpoints, but I love my friends nonetheless. This is what makes America.

However, since 2000, my concern about our Government grows and I become angry. I become angry that in this day and age politics has nothing to do with the people, it has to do with profit. Cronyism has cast it's ugly shadow upon one of the few shreds of democracy we have left. Did you know that during election time I can't cast a vote and receive a copy of who I voted for? I have to place my faith in technology and assume that my vote was cast correctly. If you haven't seen it yet, I urge you to watch "Hacking Democracy". I challenge anyone to watch this without becoming angry. The almighty dollar and the good 'ol buddy system go hand-in-hand come election time and it seems that voting can be tampered with. This documentary shows how easily this can be done, and how shady elections can be. To my conservative friends, fret not. This isn't some liberal propaganda out to smear the GOP's "good name". If you watch, you will see that no favoritism is shown to either party. Either can cheat to their heart's content and never be caught. Gotta love it.

If you don't have HBO, our friends at YOUTUBE are kind enough to host it. Here's a link to the first 9 minutes of Hacking Democracy. You can find the rest at Youtube if you are interested.

Watch it. Keep an open mind. Learn. Tell a friend.


Well HOWDY HO, neighbors! Good Lord it has been a while. There has been a lot going on that has kept me away. Let's see... Put the AZ home on the market, took a new job in Austin, relocated without the wife and kid (only for a month), found a new home, purchased new home, flew back to Arizona to get wife and kid, drove in a minivan with 2 cats, 3 dogs and my wife and kid from Queen Creek, AZ to Austin, TX in one day. Good times!

We made it, but not with losing our sanity about 96% into the trip. You know...the point of a road trip where you giggle like a madman at absolutley nothing? Not just laughing, but LAUGHING like Mutley from "Wacky Races" laughing. You know... laughing and wheezing at the same time? Anyhoo... the road trip is behind us, we finally sold the house in AZ (after nearly 7 months on the market and lowering the price by $50K...grrrr...) and we have setteled into the new home quite nicely. Our baby even celbrated her one year birthday party in the new home. Here's to being back in Texas and moving on into our next phase of life. :-)

Saturday, July 01, 2006's been a while...

At least we know one thing has been consistant in my absence...


Well, bye-bye Arizona. I have accepted a job back in Texas so we will be moving to Austin soon. Yes, yes...Texas is a red state, but Austin is the blue dot in the red state so we should fit right in.

Plus, I am a native Texan so it will be nice to get back home to have the kiddo around family.

Anyhoo... GO HORNS!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Great Website

Found this while poking around on the DNC website.

It is now in my links section. Good times! 'bout them approval ratings!?!?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Time Flies!

Man time flies when you don't update your Blog! It has been a while but things are going great. The job is going well and my kiddo is growing like a weed. I have also been to two hockey games in the last top it off..I had seats right behind the Phoenix Coyotes bench...right behind Wayne Gretzky!

I was also able to take my daughter to her first NHL game to see her future favorite hockey team...the Dallas Stars. :-)

Life is good!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

F*** E-Bay

Ok...I have to say.... e-Bay can be a glorious thing and it can really piss you off all in the same day. I knew I had a bid wrapped up...IT WAS MINE DAMMIT! 2006 Dallas Stars autographed team jersey...NOBODY was going to out bid me.

To the dude that did it with 2 seconds left in the bid...



Yes...I suck. I suck because I can't keep up with this as much as I would like. I actually blog more on the kiddo's site than mine. On that note...being a Dad is the best thing ever. I really have to have a reality check every now and then. I often catch myself saying "holy shit...I'm a Dad..." Gotta love it. :-)